List of documents in order to get an approval of stand construction at the exhibitions held
in Expocentre Fairgrounds on 2025

Form 1Contract between Expoconsta and Customer, with a full list of documents that must be provided 45 days before the exhibition mounting to approve the stand construction (indicated in point 2 of this contract)
Form 1AConfirmation report of the technical documentation and control of the quality of electrical works
Form D03Letter of equipment
Form D04Letter for work passes
Form 3Scheme of electrical supply
Form 3aRegulations for electrical work at exhibitors stands
Form 4Suspension order regulation inside halls, if you plan it
Form 4AInformation about suspension
Form 4BPrices for the suspension
From 6List of the documents, that must be provided to approve the construction of the two-storied stand, if you do it
From 6AInformation about two-storied stands
Form 6BSafety conditions for the designing and construction of one-storey and two-storied stands at the EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds
Form 8Guarantee letter for all stands
Examples and forms of documents

Forms 4-4a - are filled in, if customer needs this service
Forms 6-6a additionally for two-storied stands only